Sunday, 18 August 2013

PENANTIAN 4: Universiti Hiroshima, Alhamdulillah!

Salam semua,

Penantian yang agak lama, akhirnya terjawab. Saya sangat-sangat gembira menerima email dari pihak Universiti. Alhamdulillah, Ya ALLAH.... Ada 12 orang pelajar antarabangsa yang diterima masuk ke Universiti Hiroshima termasuk saya.

Walaupun begitu, saya kena tunggu notification dari kedutaan Jepun di Malaysia untuk keputusan muktamad pada bulan Ogos 2013.

Sedutan email dari Universiti Hiroshima... ( diterima pada 22 Julai 2013 : To incoming Students of Hiroshima University )

Dear students of international center,    

We are glad to welcome you at Hiroshima University very soon!
When you receive this e-mail, please send a response to us to confirm you have received it. Also, would you send us your photo data for your ID Card as an attached JPEG file by Aug 19 (Mon)?

Please find the attached documents regarding direction to Higashi-Hiroshima, and read them very carefully as they contain a lot of information that you need to know before coming to Japan. Regarding the directions from the International Airport in Japan to Higashi-Hiroshima, we will send you more detailed information later when we receive your international flight schedule from the travel agent.
You will stay in the Bldg. A of International House (a dormitory for international students). Your room number will be informed as soon as it is fixed.
For more information on the International House, please access the following site.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Higashi-Hiroshima!

Sangatlah teruja dan terus menelefon bapa memberitahu mengenai perkara ni. Kemudian, beritahu Mok Su dan Mok Chek setelah beritahu Ummi melalui facebook. Seterusnya, beritahu Abdullah.
Orang lain, Insya ALLAH akan dimaklumkan kemudian.

Syukur padaMu, Ya ALLAH. Wassalam

1 comment:

  1. slm cikgu...saya ada beberapa perkara yang nak ditanya tentang program ni...boleh saya hubungi cikgu di whatsapp @ mana2 cara yg lebih mudah..tq
